Saturday, November 19, 2011

Storm Water Filters - Protecting Our Groundwater From Chemicals and Debris in Storm Water Run-Off

Storm Water Filters - Protecting Our Groundwater From Chemicals and Debris in Storm Water Run-Off

Water Filter

Do you cringe every time you see sediment, cigarette butts, candy wrappers and other debris washed down the drain? Don't stand by idly! Read on to find out how to stop it.

Seriously. There's no need to just watch and do nothing. You can stop all that debris and a whole lot more from contaminating the water supply.

Just use storm water filters, especially with a storm drain filter insert. The water will flow through but all the junk will stay in the filter and can be removed safely.

And that's good news for the environment. Especially since the candy wrappers and cigarette butts are the least of the environmental threats that would be flowing into the ground water.

Think oil and chemical residues, particularly from parking lots and other places where cars and machinery are parked. They will leak all sorts of noxious fluids, from oil to coolants.

I'm sure you're aware that storm water pollution is a big concern. It keeps officials searching for solutions not just nationally, but locally as well.

And you can help, simply by installing storm water filters in the drains under your control. They will remove any waste from the storm water that flows down the drain. That way, it cannot become a problem, and the water system's safety is maintained.

Depending on the kind of debris or chemicals that are likely to be in the storm water run-off, you can choose different filters and especially filter inserts.

There's the Ultra-DrainGuard Trash and Debris Model especially for debris removal. And then there's the Ultra-DrainGuard Oil and Sediment Model, which effectively removes grease as well as oil along with sediment as the water passes through.

You can even get models with X-Tex absorbent filter strips for extra filtering power.

And just in case you wondered just how much those filters can capture and remove from the water as it washes down the drain...

Depending on the kind of filter you get, they can remove up to 40 pounds or 1 whole cubic foot of sediment before the water reaches the bypass ports and the filter insert needs to be replaced. And when it's new, water can flow through at the rate of 500 gallons per minute. Oil filters can hold more than a gallon of oil, depending on size.

And when the storm water filters are full, just replace them and they'll resume their work.

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